Read the March 2024 Rider News for the latest information from Intercity Transit. This issue includes information about celebrating National Transit Employee Appreciation Day, continued north site improvements at the Olympia Transit Center, recognition of the Bus Buddy Program's 10th Anniversary, and more!

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Online: Register to view the meeting via TEAMs. A link to the registration page can be found on the meetings page of our website. Once registered you will be emailed a link to join the meeting.

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Online: Register to view the meeting.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 217-502-387#

Read the February 2024 Rider News for the latest information from Intercity Transit. This issue includes information about the new "flyer" stop for Route 620 at the Martin Way Park & Ride, service on Presidents Day, new onboard announcements, and more!

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 769 851 055#

Read the January 2024 Rider News for the latest information from Intercity Transit. This issue includes information about our online resources, service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a new commute for the new year, an update on construction at the Olympia Transit Center, and more!

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 517 065 680#

The December 20, 2023, Intercity Transit Authority Board Meeting is canceled.  The next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
Read the December 2023 Rider News for the latest information from Intercity Transit. This issue includes information about upcoming holiday closures, getting prepared for potential winter weather, the Jingle Buses coming to a route near you, and more!


Intercity Transit Announces Services Disruptions Due to Toy Run

OLYMPIA, Wash. – The annual Toy Run event, scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 2, will require multiple road closures. These closures will result in significant disruption of Intercity Transit bus service on many routes between 11:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. The event begins in Lacey at South Sound Center and ends in downtown Olympia at Marathon Park. 

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 862-203-072#

Intercity Transit will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023. Dial-A-Lift, local and Express bus service and Village Vans will not operate on the holiday. Customer Service located at the Olympia Transit Center and the administrative office will also be closed.


For Immediate Release:  November 15, 2023 

Intercity Transit Authority Board Approves Contract with Emily Bergkamp to Become the Agency’s Next General Manager

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 406 951 060#

The Olympia-Lacey urbanized area (UZA) has surpassed 200,000 residents, which changed Intercity Transit’s designation to a large urban transit agency starting Oct. 1, 2023. FTA requires large urban transit agencies to take additional steps to comply with Title VI, which includes conducting passenger surveys to understand customer demographics and travel patterns in conjunction with Intercity Transit’s Title VI plan update.
Intercity Transit operates regular schedules on Veterans Day, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023.
Read the November 2023 Rider News for the latest information from Intercity Transit. This issue includes information about construction to improve OTC coming soon, an opportunity to provide public comment on our draft 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, holiday service reminders, and more!
The draft Strategic Plan defines levels and types of public transportation services offered over the next six years and to determine the amount and sources of revenue to finance the services. A draft of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is available online, by or calling 360-786-1881.

In Person: Board Room of the Pattison Street facility.  Doors open at 5 p.m.

Remotely by phone:  Toll Free (844) 730-0140 / Phone Conference ID: 936-313-563#