Riding the bus gives you independence. Once you know how to ride the bus, there’s no more waiting for your parents to give you a ride. Bus travel is one of the safest ways to get around our community, and it's free! Take the bus to the library, to after school activities, to work, to sports practice, or even to school.

If you’ve never ridden the bus, you might be a little nervous figuring out how to get where you’re going. Don’t worry – it’s not rocket science. To get started, visit our How to Ride page. To plan your trip, use our online trip planner, download the myStop app to your phone or print schedules for any of our bus routes. Got a question about a bus route or need help planning your trip? Our Customer Service is happy to help! Send us an email or give us a call at 360-786-1881.

The bus will take you there - Youth-friendly destinations

Check-out this cool map to find youth-friendly destinations you can get to by bus! Explore city parks, go see a movie or meet a friend for ice-cream. Once you find a destination, use the online trip planner to plan your route.

Things to remember when riding the bus

  • The bus is free! No need to worry about paying.
  • Always be quiet and respectful to other riders. This means use your headphones!
  • No food or open drink containers on the bus. Save your snacks for later.
  • There are limited seats on the bus, so you might need to stand. Always hold on to a hand rail when standing.
  • The seats at the front of the bus are reserved for senior citizens, riders with disabilities and people in mobility devices.
  • Never cross in front of the Intercity Transit bus unless it is stopped at a traffic light. Unlike school buses, traffic does not stop for our buses.
  • When you're ready to get off, pull the yellow cord. This tells the driver that you want to get off at the next stop.
  • Be safe, be seen! Make sure you are visible to the bus driver and people driving cars by wearing bright or reflective clothing.
  • If you have a question, ask the bus driver. They are there to help.

Request a Presentation

We will come to you! Teachers and youth organizations can request a presentation on “How to Ride the Bus.” Students will learn:

  • Why public transit is an important part of a community.
  • How riding transit is good for the environment.
  • What active transportation is and why it’s an important part of public transit.
  • What to expect when riding the bus. 
  • Bus etiquette and safety tips. 

To request a presentation email walknroll@intercitytransit.com.