On DIY Bike Repair Night, we invite community members to the Walk N Roll bike shop to work on their personal bikes for free. We provide professional bike stands, tools, and assistance from Walk N Roll’s knowledgeable staff and volunteers.

This is an opportunity for community members to learn how to work on their own bikes. We won’t work on it for you, but instead we will help YOU fix your bike.

People of all skill levels are welcome. If you are comfortable working alone, you are welcome to use the space and tools independently.

DIY Repair Night Guidelines

  • You must sign a waiver and agree to our guidelines when you arrive.
  • Bikes must leave the shop at the end of the session.
  • We will provide small new bike parts like cables, housing, brake pads, and chains for free.
  • Some larger, used bike parts are available for free, but that is not guaranteed.
  • All other bike parts and major replacements must be purchased elsewhere. If you don’t know what you need, we can help you figure that out.

How do I sign up

DIY Bike Repair Night is the first Thursday of the month from 5 to 8 p.m. Participation is by appointment only. To sign-up, please email us at walknroll@intercitytransit.com with following information:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • The date you hope to attend. (Please check the Walk N Roll Calendar for the DIY Repair Night schedule.)
  • A picture of your bike.
  • Information about what needs to be repaired.
  • How much assistance will you need.