Field Trip Transportation

Schools and youth organizations can ride Intercity Transit’s regularly scheduled buses for field trip transportation. Let us know you will be riding and get help planning your trip by filling out a Class Pass request form. Our Customer Service staff will send you a detailed trip plan and answer all your questions. On the form you can also request a presentation by one of our educators to help prepare your students for their bus ride. Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning your trip:

  • Everyone rides free on Intercity Transit buses!
  • Due to the size of our buses, we can accommodate groups of 40 or less people.
  • Depending on your destination, your group might need to transfer buses.
  • Remember to include time for walking to and from the bus stop.
  • Your starting location and your destination must be a reasonable walking distance from an Intercity Transit bus stop.
  • Visit our map to find youth-friendly destinations you can get to by bus!
  • Prepare your students for their bus ride by sharing information found on our youth page.

Rolling Classroom Field Trip

Our schedule is full and we are not accepting new field trip requests for the 2024-25 school year. We are only accepting field trip request for the summer and 2025-26 school year.

Rolling Classroom field trips teach youth about the importance of public transit and gives students a positive bus riding experience. Field trips are free and we bring the bus to you! An Intercity Transit Walk N Roll educator will provide a short, grade-appropriate, presentation about active and public transportation. Following the presentation, students will board an Intercity Transit bus for a short ride and scavenger hunt. If scheduling allows, the students will get an opportunity to ride through the bus wash at Intercity Transit’s maintenance facility located at 510 Pattison St. SE, Olympia. Activities may be modified for group size and scheduling needs. Rolling Classrooms are for schools and youth organizations serving grades pre-K through 5th grade. Field trips can accommodate 35 people. Larger groups will need to schedule more than one field trip. We serve schools and youth organizations in Tumwater, Lacey, Olympia, and Yelm. Fill out a Rolling Classroom request form  and email it to

Due to construction, Rolling Classroom field trips are temporarily unable to provide a tour of our maintenance facility. Watch our video and go on your own virtual tour.

Schedule a Bus Visit for Your School

We will bring an Intercity Transit bus to your school! Students will learn about riding public transit, meet a bus driver and get the opportunity to tour the inside of a bus. We recommend this opportunity for Middle and High Schools, Elementary groups unable to go on a field trip off school grounds or schools wishing to provide transit education to multiple classes on the same day.

Public Transit Activity Pages

Continue learning about public transit by completing Walk N Roll’s educational activities. Students will learn the steps for riding the bus and enjoy designing their own bus with our coloring page. 

Public Transit Education Videos

Watch these fun and educational videos to expand students' learning experience.

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