Conducting Public Communication Activity on Transit Property 

Individuals or groups must apply for and receive a permit from Intercity Transit before conducting public communication activity on transit property. Public communication activities include posting or distributing printed information, collecting signatures for a petition, conducting surveys, performing voting processes, or otherwise communicating or attempting to communicate with the general public.

If you or your organization would like to conduct a public communication activity, please fill out the Permit to Engage in Public Communication Activities form and mail, fax, email, or deliver to:

Christina Loomis
Intercity Transit
P.O. Box 659
526 Pattison Street
Olympia, WA 98501

Fax: 360-357-6184, attention Christina Loomis


We will you notify of your application's status within a week of our receiving you completed application.

If approved, we will send you the permit and a copy of our Rules of Conduct. You must have the permit with you while on Intercity Transit property conducting the activity you were granted permission for.

If you have questions about the Public Communication Activities process, please call 360-705-5870 or email us.

Surplus Property

Intercity Transit surplus property can be found at DES Surplus or Ehli’s Auctions