Village Vans provides free transportation to help passengers gain and maintain employment. This service helps passengers overcome transportation barrier for up to one year. Barriers include but are not limited to:
- A bus ride that takes one hour or more.
- Walking ¾ mile or more between the bus stop and your destination.
- No sidewalk access or alternative paths between the bus stop and location.
After a year, passengers change to using other modes of transportation, which could be bicycling, riding the bus, Vanpool, or driving a personal vehicle.
Passengers must complete an eligibility process before being approved to use this service.
- Apply for Village Vans Transportation Service
- Printable Application - pdf
- Solicitud Imprimible en Español - pdf
If you have questions about Village Vans eligibility, call 360-705-5840. If you need help with the application, we can assist you.
Qualifying transportation locations include:
- Your job.
- Job interviews and training sites.
- WorkSource and other employment services.
- Local colleges, universities, technical, and alternative schools.
- Childcare Centers*
*Transportation is provided to childcare centers on the way to and from work, or related activities. Car seats are provided for children under 12.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Qualifies for Village Vans Service?
Any person who is low-income and who is looking for work, currently employed, or in school, can use the service.
The trip must also qualify. Village Vans is not a replacement for bus service or a way to get to and from trips that are not work-related.
Which trips qualify for Village Vans Service?
- Work-related trips that take one hour or more by bus, including trips with multiple stops. For example, dropping a child off at childcare on the way to work or school.
- The nearest bus stop is more than 3/4 of a mile from the destination.
- Trips between bus stops and locations that don’t have sidewalk access or alternative access paths.
Can I use Village Vans instead of the Bus?
If it is determined you can use the city buses for some or all of your trips, you will be notified of the reasons for the decision. You will be provided a trip plan to use the bus or referred to an alternative service that best suits your transportation needs.
When and How Will I Find Out I am Eligible?
Once the application is received, you will be notified within one business week via email.
How do I Schedule a Ride once I am an Eligible Passenger?
You can request rides up to 31 business days in advance. Same-day requests are provided based on driver availability and are therefore not guaranteed.
- Call 360-705-5840
- Email
- Book through the Get2Work App, available in the App Store and Google Play.
Who Drives the Village Vans?
Volunteers and Intercity Transit staff. All drivers are trained and certified to drive Village Vans.
Interested in driving for Village Vans? Apply to volunteer here.
Why is Village Vans Service Important?
Transportation is a primary barrier for people who are low-income to build economic independence. The program is funded by Federal and State grants and operates in partnership with local social and public service agencies.