Earn-A-Bike Classes

Earn-A-Bike classes teach Thurston County youth ages 11 through 15 essential bicycle safety and maintenance skills to help prepare them to ride their bicycle independently. Students learn through a series of hands-on activities and group bicycle rides on city streets. Intercity Transit provides each student a refurbished bicycle and new helmet to use during the class. Students who complete the course earn their bicycle and helmet and can take it home on the final day of class. If students are unable to transport their bicycle home, Intercity Transit can deliver. The class is open to beginner bicycle riders, although students need to know how to ride a bicycle to participate. Classes are offered in the summer. Visit our event calendar for the class schedule and registration information.

Bike Camp

At Bike Camp Thurston County youth ages 8 through 10 learn bike handling and safety skills through fun games, group bicycle rides and hands-on activities. Each day campers go on a new urban adventure traveling by walking, biking, or riding public transit. Campers have fun riding and exploring parks, trails, and other community spaces throughout Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater. Campers practice bicycle safety skills on quiet neighborhood streets and bicycle routes. Campers of all skill levels are welcome. Camps are offered in the summer. Visit our event calendar for the camp schedule and registration information.

Learn-to-Ride Classes

Learn-to-Ride classes are for new or beginner riders. During the class, participants learn how to balance, pedal, and steer a bicycle. Bikes and helmets are provided. Visit our event calendar for the class schedule and registration information.

Bike Maintenance & Mechanic Classes

We offer free bike maintenance and mechanic classes at the Walk N Roll bike shop. Learn more about the classes.

Bike Fest Kits

Bike fest events (also known as Bike Rodeos) provide elementary-aged children the opportunity to learn and practice bike handling and safety skills. Participants visit a variety of stations designed to teach youth real world skills to prepare them to ride a bike safely. Walk N Roll helps schools and community partners organize bike fest events by providing a bike fest kit and the Walk N Roll Bike Fest Guide. To request the bike fest kit for your event, please fill out the bike fest request form and send to walknroll@intercitytranit.com.

Great Olympia Bike Rodeo

Join us for this free family-friendly event the first Saturday in June from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Garfield Elementary. Visit the Great Olympia Bike Rode event page to learn more.

Traffic Gardens

Traffic Gardens are miniature streetscapes that provide youth realistic and fun places to learn and practice bicycle and pedestrian safety skills in an environment away from vehicles. Traffic gardens include real world traffic features such as intersections, stop signs, crosswalks, and roundabouts.

Thurston Mobile Traffic Garden

The Thurston Mobile Traffic Garden visits schools, events and youth programs throughout Thurston County. The Thurston Mobile Traffic Garden is intended for youth in preschool through 5th grade. We provide scooters, balance bikes, and helmets. Learn more about the Thurston Mobile Traffic Garden.

Visit a permanent Traffic Garden

Safe Kids Thurston County and Intercity Transit partnered with North Thurston Public Schools and the Olympia School District to install four permanent traffic gardens in Thurston County. These projects were made possible by generous financial support from State Farm and Capitol Centennial Rotary. The traffic gardens are located on school playgrounds and are open to community members during non-school hours. The traffic gardens are located at Mountain View, McKenny, Lydia Hawk and Centennial Elementary Schools. Learn more about Thurston County’s Mobile Traffic Gardens.

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