What’s Happening?

On Nov. 6, 2024, NPM Construction Co., began construction of the last phase of planned site improvements at the Olympia Transit Center (OTC) site, adjacent to Olympia Avenue and Washington Street.

Site improvements include:

  • Replacing curb and sidewalk.
  • Replacing ramps with ADA-compliant ramps.
  • Replacing red concrete pavers with concrete.
  • Refreshing all of the pavement markings.

Construction is anticipated to be completed in early 2024, weather permitting.

What to Expect During Construction

Typical construction hours are weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pedestrians and riders can expect sidewalk closures. Riders who access services at the Olympia Transit Center should be aware of the potential for temporary closures and pedestrian detours, pay attention to posted notices, and plan additional time to reach their bus bays. Construction is not anticipated to impact bus arrivals and transfers occurring at the Olympia Transit Center.  

During construction, pedestrians and motorists may also notice:

  • Noise, dust, and debris.
  • Occasional lane closures.
  • Potential impacts to traffic flow.
  • Large truck and equipment activity.


Contact Tammy Ferris, Procurement Coordinator, at 360-705-5818 or email tferris@intercitytransit.com.

Construction Updates

Phase 3 of construction at the Olympia Transit Center (OTC) is complete. The north platform has reopened and buses are boarding at their regular locations.

We appreciate our passengers' patience as we worked to improve pedestrian safety, boarding accessibility and implemented solutions to address mobility needs across OTC.

Phase 3 of construction at the Olympia Transit Center is scheduled continue through. During this construction phase, all bays on the north platform will be closed temporarily. 

Please board buses at the following temporary locations: 

  • Route 62B will depart from the east corner of Olympia Ave.
  • Routes 21, 60, 62A, 64 & 66 will depart from Franklin St. (see map for locations).
  • Routes 41 & 48 will depart from the west corner of State Ave.

Please see map below for details. 

This project will improve pedestrian safety, boarding accessibility and implement solutions to address mobility needs across OTC.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call Customer Service at 360-786-1881 with questions or for service information.

Phase 2 of construction at the Olympia Transit Center is scheduled to be completed March 31, 2024. During this construction phase, all bays on the south platform will be closed temporarily. 

You may board your bus at the following temporary locations: 

  • Routes 12 & 42 will depart from Olympia Ave. between Washington St. & Franklin St. (wb).
  • Routes 13, 45 & 47 will depart from State Ave. between Washington St. & Franklin St. (eb).

Please see map below for details. 

This project will improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, boarding accessibility and implement solutions to address mobility needs across OTC.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call Customer Service at 360-786-1881 with questions or for service information.

OTC Construction Phase 2 Map

During the closure, Grays Harbor Transit, Mason Transit and Twin Transit will depart from State Ave. between Washington St. & Franklin St. (wb). Please see the map below for the location of departures and arrivals for Grays Harbor Transit, Mason Transit and Twin Transit during the closure.