Effective Monday, August 28, 2017 northbound Express Routes serving the Tacoma Dome Station will use the new "Zone G" stop on G St. For service information, call Customer Service at 360-786-1881.
Most of our bus routes are delayed between Olympia and Lacey due to construction projects along Martin Way. The construction projects are estimated to continue through the end of August.
Routes 41 & 48 will be on detour to The Evergreen State College on August 10, 2017 from 1:30 - 3 p.m. due to a repaving closure of eastbound Evergreen Parkway.
Route 94 will be on detour Saturday, July 15 from 9:30 am - 2 pm due to the Seattle-to-Portland (STP) bike ride. Please see the map below for stop closures and details.
Route 21 outbound is on detour July 10-28, 2017 at Fir Street, between Bigelow and Yew due to limited access during a City project for underground pipe repairs.