Route 41 departures at :15 & :45 past the hour will not operate Monday, Nov. 20 - Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017 due to The Evergreen State College's Thanksgiving break.
Route 94: Construction of the Boulevard Road and Morse-Merryman Roundabout will continue through October. Temporary bus stops are in place and will be moved to safer locations throughout the projec
Route 21, outbound only, will be on detour October 7, 2017 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. due to the closure of Puget St. (between 4th Ave. and State) for the Olympia Fire Department Open House.
Routes 12, 13, 68, 612 and Dash will be on detour Monday, October 9 from 2-3 p.m. due to the closure of Capitol Way for the Indigenous People's Day. Routes serving Capitol Way will be on detour.
Route 41 will be on detour all day September 13, 19 and 22 at The Evergreen State College due to the closure of Indian Pipe Loop Road while students move in/out of the dorms.
Route 41 will be on detour September 6-8, 2017 from 4-6 p.m. due to the Evergreen State College's closure of Indian Pipe Loop Road for construction. Please see the detour map.