• Current About You
  • Background Check
  • Emergency Contact and Waiver
  • Complete
The Preferred Full Name field is required *
The Address field is required *
The City/Town field is required *
The State/Province field is required *
Are you over 18?
The Yes field is required *
The No field is required *

If no, parent/guardian must sign giving permission for applicant to participate as a volunteer.

Are you currently a student?
The Yes field is required *
The No field is required *
Which volunteer opportunities interest you? Check all that apply.
The Bike rodeo & traffic garden events field is required *
The Bike repair during open shop field is required *
The Assisting in Earn-A-Bike classes field is required *
How did you hear about Walk N Roll? Please check options applicable to you.
The Local Bike Shop: field is required *
The WNR Event field is required *
The Friend field is required *
The WNR or Intercity Transit Staff/Board Member: field is required *
The WNR social media field is required *
The Other field is required *