Dial-A-Lift is a door-to-door, shared ride public transportation service for people with disabilities that prevent them from using our fixed route bus service. We offer Dial-A-Lift service where and when fixed route buses operate. 

You must complete an application, be eligible and certified to ride Dial-A-Lift.

Making a Comment

We welcome comments from our customers. Let us know how we are doing, if you have a problem or a suggestion for improvement. Call 360-786-1881; TTY 360-943-5211; Email tellus@intercitytransit.com.

If you feel that you have been denied a request for use of our Dial-A-Lift services based on discrimination, please complete our Discrimination Complaint Form

Intercity Transit Dial-A-Lift Study Final Report - June 2021

Between 2013 and 2017, Intercity Transit experienced a decline of approximately 10.9 percent on its fixed route bus network while during that same timeframe, paratransit usage on the Dial-A-Lift service increased by approximately 12.2 percent. Given this dramatic increase, in early 2020 Intercity Transit initiated a comprehensive study to understand the factors responsible for this increased ridership and build a strategy to manage and plan for increased paratransit demand in the future. In the fall of 2020 additional data trends and forecasts were added to the scope of the study to provide ridership and fleet forecasts using data indicators that considered the Covid-19 pandemic. This provides a range of scenarios to provide additional forecast tools to guide the agency given the dramatic shift in ridership demand and uncertainties about recovery timing and future demand as a result of the pandemic. This report, which summarizes the analysis of Intercity Transit’s Dial-A-Lift service, is organized into six sections addressing:

  • Ridership
  • Service Quality
  • Eligibility
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Ridership and Cost forecasts

View the full report

Customer Survey Results