Snow is falling across our region. As conditions worsen, please keep in mind that some roads are difficult to travel during snowy/icy conditions. Routes that serve these areas have standard snow detours. For more information on these detours, please go to

Our goal is to get our buses and riders to their destinations safely, which will take longer in bad weather. Your patience is appreciated.

Snow and ice can prevent buses from reaching curbs, stopping at some bus stops, and using lifts or ramps. Please stand away from the curb and wait for your bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it. Use caution when boarding and getting off the bus.

If we receive predicted snow accumulations over the weekend, Customer Service will likely receive an increased call volume. Please be patient if you try to call. Remember that if routes are on detour, information will be posted on our website at, on Facebook and on Twitter.

If you or someone you know is a Dial-A-Lift customer, remember this service operates when and where it is save to do so. If you have a scheduled ride during winter weather conditions and would like to cancel it, please call the 24-hour cancellation voicemail at 360-705-5827.

We will post updates as things change here, on Facebook and on Twitter. You can also sign up to receive real-time information from Intercity Transit by text message or email about snow detours, delays and other service information at