Intercity Transit will resume limited bus service today starting at 12 p.m. Service is expected to end between 5 and 7:30 p.m. However, passengers are advised to travel earlier in the day, as this could change if conditions worsen.
Service will be provided on the following route without detours:
- Route 13
The following routes will provide service with some modifications:
- Route 41: Buses will travel on Division to Cooper Point all the way to Harrison. They will not travel or serve Evergreen Parkway.
- Route 48: Buses will travel on the normal route to Cooper Point and Division/28th. At this point buses become the inbound route 48 and will take a right on Division/28th, right on Harrison, left on Cooper Point and will then be back on route.
- Route 62A: Buses will not serve the Providence Loop at Marvin and Britton Pkwy.
- Route 62B: Buses will not serve The Meadows or Steilacoom Rd. Buses will U-turn at the roundabout at Marvin and Pacific, where it will continue inbound.
- Route 66: Buses will not serve Lilac Loop.
- Route 68: Route 68 is on standard snow detour.
- Route 94: Buses will not serve The Wilderness.
- Route 612: Buses will serve the Lacey Transit Center and not the Martin Way Park & Ride. Buses will also not provide service to Maple Park.
Routes not listed above will not be served today.
The series of storms that hit our area made many roads impassable. Intercity Transit strives to provide safe and reliable service, but we can only do this when and where conditions allow it. Roads in your area may be clear, but many streets are still too hazardous to travel due to snow, ice, downed trees and power lines. As a thank you to our riders for their patience and understanding, and as a service to our community, no fares will be collected today on Intercity Transit bus service.