Strategic Plan
Intercity Transit Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The purpose of our Strategic Plan is to define levels and types of public transportation services offered to the citizens of Thurston County over the next six years and to determine the amount and sources of the revenue to finance the services. The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan represents the outcome of a multi-year short-and long-range planning process. The planning process included a significant public engagement process which not only helped formulate the outcomes of the long-range plan, which was adopted in November 2018, but also culminated in the success of Intercity Transit Proposition 1 which was approved by voters on November 6, 2018. Goals and policy positions, capital program and services have been outlined for the six-year period.
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Intercity Transit Strategic Plan 2023 -2028
The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to define levels and types of public transportation services offered over the next six years and to determine the amount and sources of the revenue to finance the services. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan represents the outcome of a multi-year short-and long-range planning process. The planning process included a significant public engagement process which not only helped formulate the outcomes of the Short and Long-Range Plan, which was adopted by the Authority in November 2018, but also culminated in the success of Intercity Transit Proposition 1 which was approved by voters on November 6, 2018. Goals and policy positions, capital program and services have been outlined for the six-year period. Each year the budget is reflective of the decisions made through this process.
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2022 BudgetLast Updated:Last modified:
Transit Development Plan and Annual Report
2022 - 2027 Transit Development PlanLast Updated:Last modified:
Transit Improvement Plan
Final 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Intercity Transit’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or “Program of Projects” (POP) is an annually updated list of Intercity Transit’s program of funded and potentially funded projects that utilize federal funds. The TIP includes projects programmed through the Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) and the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). Projects with secured federal funds are incorporated into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
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Safety Plan
2022 Public Transportation Agency Safety PlanLast Updated:Last modified:
Other Documents
2023 - 2025 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Goals
Intercity Transit has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26. Intercity Transit is a recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Department of
Transportation, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, Intercity Transit has signed an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26.Last Updated:Last modified:
Audited Annual Financial Reports
2022 Audited Annual Financial ReportLast Updated:Last modified:
01 - Amend Appointment Agent to Receive Claims for DamagesLast Updated:Last modified:
02 - Appointing an Auditing OfficerLast Updated:Last modified:
03 - Amending Flat Rate Vanpool Fare Structure Regarding Youth FaresLast Updated:Last modified:
04 - 2023 Budget AdoptionLast Updated:Last modified: