Statement of Policy

No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Intercity Transit program or activity, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.L. 100.259).

For more information on Intercity Transit's civil rights program and the procedures to file a complaint, please contact 360-786-1881, (TTY 360-943-5211); email; or visit Customer Service at 205 Franklin St. NE, Olympia, WA 98501.

If you need information in another language, please call 360-786-1881. 

Si necesita información en otro idioma, llame al 360-786-1881.


Notices of Title VI rights are posted on our website, as well as at the entrances of customer service facilities.

How to File a Title VI Complaint

Any person or entity can make a complaint of discrimination based on race, color, or national origin within 180 days of the alleged discrimination by:

  1. Filing your complaint in writing.
  2. Using our online Discrimination Complaint form, completing and sending the printable Discrimination Complaint form, or sending an email or letter with the following information:
    • Name, address, and telephone number of the complainant.
    • Name and address of the person, agency, or office alleged to have engaged in a discriminatory act.
    • A description of how, why, and when the discrimination occurred, including as much background as possible about the allegations; and
    • A signature by the complainant.

Send complaints submitted by letter to:

     Attention: Title VI Officer
     P.O. Box 659
     Olympia, WA 98507-0659

  1. A copy of the Agency’s Discrimination Complaint form may be obtained by:

In addition to the Title VI process at Intercity Transit, Title VI complaints can be filed with the Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights, Region X, 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3142, Seattle, WA 98174, or call 888-446-4511. If a complaint is filed with Intercity Transit and an external entity at the same time, the external complaint will take priority over the Intercity Transit complaint and Intercity Transit’s complaint procedures will be suspended pending the external entity’s findings.

What you can expect after filing a complaint

Within 15 business days of Intercity Transit receiving your complaint:

  1. The Title VI Officer will review and acknowledge your complaint and will let you know:
    1. If your complaint will be investigated, or
    2. If your complaint will be closed.

If your complaint is filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination, we will:

  1. Make every effort to investigate your complaint within 60 days.
  2. If additional information is needed, the Title VI Officer will contact you for a meeting or interview.
    1. You will have ten business days from the date of the request to provide the requested information, attend a meeting or interview.
    2. If you do not provide the requested information within 10 business days or do not participate in a meeting or interview, your complaint will be closed.
  3. When the investigation is complete, the Title VI Officer will issue a report summarizing the investigation and findings, and explain any corrective actions. Your complaint will then be closed.

If your complaint is not filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination, it will be closed.

How to Appeal Findings

To appeal the findings, conclusions, or recommendations in the Title VI Officers’ report, please submit a letter explaining your position and request an independent review by Intercity Transit’s General Manager within 15 days of receipt of the report.

The General Manager will issue a letter either confirming the Title VI Officer’s findings or notifying the complainant of further investigation within 30 business days of receipt of the appeal. The General Manager’s review is final and binding.

Complaint Records

Records of all Title VI complaints and associated investigations are retained by Intercity Transit, subject to applicable retention policies and public disclosure requirements and/or exemptions.


No person or entity will suffer retaliation or reprisal by Intercity Transit as a result of filing a Title VI discrimination complaint or as a result of participating in an investigation of a complaint. Any person who believes that they have suffered retaliation because of making a Title VI complaint or participating in any such investigation may make a complaint in accordance with this process.