Who Governs Intercity Transit?

Intercity Transit is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, the Intercity Transit Authority. The Authority consists of five elected officials who represent the Thurston County Board of Commissioners and the Cities of Lacey, Tumwater, Olympia, and Yelm. Three members are Community Representatives appointed by the Board, and one member is a labor representative.

Except for the labor representative, board members represent, and must live in, the public transportation benefit area. A Community Representative's term is three years, and the elected officials serve at the pleasure of their respective Mayors and Commissioners.

The Authority sets policy and direction for the agency.

Intercity Transit Authority Bylaws

View the meeting calendar and packets.

When does The Authority Meet?

The authority meets in the business office Board room.

Authority meetings: First and third Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m.
Special meetings: As needed.

Who May Attend Authority Meetings?

Authority meetings are open to the public. A public comment period occurs at each meeting shortly after the 5:30 p.m. start. Individuals may speak for three minutes. Speakers must sign in prior to the start of the meeting. Please silence your cell phone or pager before the meeting.

All written comments, sign-up sheets, meeting minutes and all other material presented at an Authority meeting are considered public documents in compliance with Open Public Meetings Act and public record laws. All public documents will be available to the general public. Meetings are recorded and streamed live via Facebook.


Contact Pat Messmer 
Phone: 360-705-5860
Fax: 360-357-6184, fax
View the meeting calendar for agendas and meeting highlights.

Intercity Transit Authority

Photo Name & Title

Justin Belk
Community Representative (Term expires 12/31/26)

Authority Representative on the Transportation Policy Board

Brian Hess
Councilmember, City of Yelm


Carolyn Cox - Chair
Councilmember, City of Lacey


Robert Vanderpool
Councilmember, City of Olympia

Authority Representative Thurston Regional Planning Council

Wendy Goodwin
Community Representative (Term expires 12/31/27)


Carolina Mejia
Thurston County Commissioner

Alternate Authority Representative on the Transportation Policy Board



Sue Pierce - Vice Chair
Community Representative (Term expires 12/31/25)

Authority Representative on the Intercity Transit Pension Committee

Kelly Von Holtz
Councilmember, City of Tumwater

Alternate Authority Representative on the Thurston Regional Planning Council


Mark Neuville
Labor Representative